San Pedro Maritime Lawyer
Top Rated San Pedro Maritime Accident Attorney Fighting on Behalf of Injured Victims Throughout CA
Visit Our San Pedro Office at
2500 Via Cabrillo-Marina,
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: (310) 832-5315
Top Rated Maritime Lawyer San Pedro California – Preston Easley
If you reside in San Pedro CA and you have been injured in a maritime accident or if you have or you have actually suffered an offshore injury, it is very important to consult San Pedro Maritime Attorney. Mr. Easley is one of the most reputable Longshoreman Attorney in San Pedro CA and has handled many personal injury cases involving admiralty and maritime injuries. He has many years of experience and has been involved in complex cases including helping passengers, injures workers, crew members, seaman, and maritime workers. In addition to that, Mr. Easley is also actively involved in cases involving maritime works, constructions workers, victims of trade as well as industrial work and motor vehicle accidents.
Maritime Accident Lawyer Preston Easley is a Graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. You Can Rely on His Expertise in Maritime Law to Protect Your Rights. Contact Him Today For a Free Consultation About Your Case.
We understand the challenges that you and your family go through when you succumb to maritime-related injuries. You not only suffer from physical and emotional pain but you also have to worry about the huge medical bill and sometimes loss of wages. That is our able boat accident attorney San Pedro usually fight aggressively to ensure that our clients get the best possible outcome. Maritime lawsuits are very complicated and without a thorough understanding of the law, then you can end up losing the case. We have many years of experience and we know exactly what to do to ensure that our clients get decent compensation for injury succumbed. Our main aim as a law firm is to ensure that maritime accident victims, as well as families who have lost their loved ones from fatal maritime accidents in San Pedro, California, get justice.
As a reputable and experienced Longshoreman Attorney in San Pedro CA, Mr. Easley has individually handled many complex and catastrophic maritime accidents that involve barges, dredges, cranes, forklifts, defective products, tugboats, and equipment. He has always been on the forefront in fighting for the right of injured maritime workers. In fact, he is one of the few Maritime Attorneys San Pedro, CA who frequently reversed a decision made in courts and contributes to making of new laws.
Preston Easley has vast experience in handling both state and federal court cases. He will work tirelessly to ensure that you get the decent compensation that you are entitled to. He is a seasoned maritime attorney in San Pedro who not only has the right experience and academic qualifications but also has the right resources that enable him to file a lawsuit if a fair settlement is not reached.
Preston Easley is indeed a seasoned maritime attorney in San Pedro and he represented many victims who have suffered from minor to fatal accidents including:If you have suffered from maritime-related injuries or if you know of a family member or close relative who has suffered from maritime injury as a result of someone else negligence, then feel free to contact Preston Easley. He will use his vast experience and resources to ensure that you get the decent compensation that you deserve. For a free initial consultation, call or email our law firm.